

Our in-house Civil Engineering team manages all facets of land development, ensuring a seamless integration of your project within its surroundings. From preliminary due diligence to detailed site analysis, our experts provide comprehensive solutions that align with your project’s vision and objectives.


Site Planning: Drawing on our expertise in site geometry and zoning code research, we initiate the land development process by meticulously gathering vital site-specific data. We employ industry-standard practices to create land development concept plans using AutoCAD Civil 3D. These plans are purposefully crafted for commercial and industrial applications, prioritizing efficient land use and practicality.

Earthwork Analysis/Optimization: Our civil engineers perform thorough earthwork analyses. By evaluating soil conditions and site constraints, we design grading plans that optimize cut and fill operations, contributing to cost-effective and sustainable project execution.

Automated Utilities Planning: We harness the power of cutting-edge technology to execute automated utilities planning. Through rigorous scenario testing, we identify the most efficient and cost-effective utility layouts for your project, promoting seamless integration and long-term efficiency.

Site Feasibility: Our team conducts meticulous stormwater detention analysis, site utility design, and earthwork analysis. This comprehensive approach informs site planning efforts, focusing on factors of cost and constructability to determine the optimal path forward for your project.

Due Diligence and Zoning Code Research: We initiate the land development process by conducting thorough due diligence and zoning code research. This critical step ensures that your project adheres to local regulations and guidelines, setting the foundation for successful development.

Site Geometry Creation: Our skilled team leverages state-of-the-art tools and techniques to create accurate site geometry models. This forms the basis for precise planning and design, facilitating efficient and effective land use.

Grading Design: We excel in grading design, creating plans that optimize site topography for various uses. By carefully sculpting the land, we enhance both aesthetics and functionality, contributing to a harmonious integration of your project with the environment.

Earthwork Analyses: We conduct detailed earthwork analyses to determine the most efficient and sustainable approach to site preparation. By optimizing cut and fill operations, we minimize costs and environmental impact.

Utility Designs: Our Civil Engineering team specializes in utility design, ensuring that your project’s infrastructure meets the highest standards of reliability and performance. We develop efficient and well-coordinated utility layouts that support your project’s functionality and long-term sustainability.

Stormwater Management Designs: We take a comprehensive approach to stormwater management, designing systems that effectively control and mitigate runoff. Our solutions adhere to environmental regulations and contribute to water conservation and protection.

Ryan Feeney

Ryan Feeney

Director of Civil Engineering

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